Our church is a person
Jesus Christ is the center and head of our church. Everything we are and everything we do finds its highest goal in honoring Him.
Our church is a people
We have joined our hearts and hands to fully follow Jesus. We celebrate together, pray together, serve one another, and love each other. Yet, we are incomplete without you, for it is our desire to grow in fellowship and connection with others.
Our church is a pastor and staff
We have those to lead us who are people of integrity, availability, and compassion. They are intent on helping us learn and grow in our relationship with Jesus.
Our church is a purpose
We have core values that serve as guides to everything we do. These core values include encountering God, building relationships, sharing God with others, serving God, and experiencing God's miracles.
Our church is a program
We offer times of worship, study, and fellowship through ministries focused on children, youth, and adults. We strive to provide a safe, Christlike, and loving place where families and singles, young and old can build friendships, learn to know and follow Jesus, and find their purpose in life.
Actually, our church is you
We are people just like you who want to be loved, who struggle with our humanity, need Christ's forgiveness, and seek to learn to model the life of Jesus.